
October 8, 2024


“A business with Branding is able to charge higher prices for its products due to one or both of the following two reasons: 1) *affective valence* — the built-up associations with the brand elicit good feelings about the product, distinct from the objective value of the good. You’re willing to pay more for Coca Cola compared to an unbranded coke, even if they taste the same. 2) *uncertainty reduction* — a customer has peace of mind knowing that the branded product will be just as expected.”

October 7, 2024

Avoid the Prep Trap

“The big mistake people make is what I call The Prep Trap: Spending too long on Prep, thinking they need to keep studying, keep reading books, keep taking courses, before they’re “Ready” to do the thing.”

September 9, 2024

You are Socrates

Prompt: “You are Socrates. Please help me with an issue in my life. Please ask me questions to try to understand what my issue is and help me unpack it. You can start the conversation however you feel is best.”

August 31, 2024

AI Will Not Make Art

“We are all products of what has come before us, but it’s by living our lives in interaction with others that we bring meaning into the world. That is something that an auto-complete algorithm can never do, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

October 25, 2023

Told What to Do

“The problem with waiting to be told what to do is… you’ll be told what to do. If you’re at a fast-paced startup, you’re probably there because you dislike being told what to do more than average.”